A Labor and Social Security Attorney is a legal professional who is nationally qualified under the Social Insurance and Labor Attorney Act (Shaloshi Law). We will contribute to the smooth implementation of labor-related laws and regulations and social security-related laws and regulations, the welfare of employees, and the  healthy development of industry.                                                                                     社会保険労務士は、社会保険労務士法に基づく国家資格を有する法律専門家です。労働関係法令及び社会保障関係法令の円滑な実施、従業者の福祉並びに産業の健全な発展に寄与します。

1.Labor and Social Insurance Consulting

We provide comprehensive consulting services on Japanese labor laws and social insurance systems. This includes advising on compliance with regulations, assisting with the preparation of employment contracts, and offering guidance on workplace policies.


2.Employment Regulations and Compliance

We assist in drafting and reviewing employment regulations, ensuring they comply with Japanese labor laws. This includes creating employee handbooks and workplace rules.


3. Human Resources Consulting

Our HR consulting services cover a wide range of areas, including performance management, employee evaluations, and organizational development. We help companies optimize their HR practices to improve efficiency and employee satisfaction.


4. ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) (Tokutei Sharoushi)

 we are authorized to assist clients in labor dispute resolution procedures. This includes acting as a mediator in negotiations and providing legal advice on labor issues. However, it is important to note that our services do not include activities that would be considered unauthorized practice of law (non-attorney activities). We strictly adhere to the boundaries set by Japanese law, ensuring that our services remain within the scope of labor and social insurance support.


Although the term “labor dispute resolution procedures” may be unfamiliar to many, it is commonly referred to as Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). ADR involves a neutral third party assisting the disputing parties in resolving their civil disputes without resorting to litigation. This allows for legal issues to be resolved without going to court.As tokutei sharoushi, we can act on behalf of ADR processes such as mediation, and arbitration.







5. Procedures for Labor and Social Insurance When Hiring Employees

When establishing a company and hiring employees in Japan, it is mandatory to complete procedures for labor and social insurance. This includes enrolling in Workers’ Accident Compensation Insurance, Employment Insurance, Health Insurance, and Employees’ Pension Insurance. These insurances provide coverage for work-related injuries and illness, unemployment, health care, and retirement benefits, respectively. To ensure these procedures are handled correctly, it is advisable to consult with a Certified Social Insurance and Labor Consultant (Sharoushi).



6. Risks of Not Knowing Japanese Laws

Not being aware of Japanese labor laws can lead to significant risks for companies. For example, failing to comply with labor insurance requirements can result in penalties and legal disputes. Additionally, not adhering to correct employment practices can lead to employee dissatisfaction, high turnover rates, and potential lawsuits for wrongful termination or discrimination. To mitigate these risks, it is highly recommended to contract with a Certified Social Insurance and Labor Consultant (Sharoushi), who is an expert in Japanese labor laws and regulations.
